
Movement -> WASD

Use Mouse to click on the Menu

Small puzzle game, it will probably only take you 5 to 10 minutes.

Bugs & Errors:

When you finish level 6 and level 7 there is a mistake when you click > to play the next level, the order is mixed up. If you want to play them in order click the level button and choose the next level.

At least in my browser the music isn't playing, it probably was an exporting mistake.

Downloadable Versions:

Windows, Linux and Mac versions can be downloaded in this link

This versions don't have the errors listed above. I could only test the 2 windows versions.

The submission for the Acerola Jam 0 is only the html version.

Find Them!

Made by Jessi

Something strange happened in your tiny monster village. One day, you woke up and only could see in black and white.

You get out of your house and there is a commotion outside, some of your friends disappeared.  With them, the 12 color stones of the village also disappeared.

You need to enter a strange machine to find and save your friends and the stones of color.

I created all the art and used GDevelop to create the game.

The game is basically only the puzzles, there was supposed to have more  story and more levels but because of some mistakes I didn't have the time to add them.

This is my first finished game, it's simple but I'm really proud of what I made.

If you have any opinions or comments about the game play or bugs you found, leave them bellow.

Hope you like it!

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